
Final Agenda


July 3, 2018 (Peace Palace Library)

14:00–14:15: Hope Elizabeth May (Central Michigan University/Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University) Introduction
14:15–14:30: Erik de Baedts (Director, Carnegie Foundation of the Netherlands)
14:30–15:00: Jeroen Vervliet: (Director, Peace Palace Library) Peace Palace Library Collection
15:00–15:35: Jennifer Trahan (New York University): From Nuremberg to Kampala to New York: The Crime of Aggression
15:35–15:55 Break
15:55–16:30: Stephen Rapp (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum): Crimes Against Peace: The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg
16:30–16:45: Hope Elizabeth May : The U.S. Outlawry Movement, SJR 100 and The Women’s Peace Union
16:45–17:10: Don Ferencz (Planethood Foundation): Law. Not War: The U.S. Outlawry Movement & The Kellogg-Briand Pact
17:10–18:00: Reception


July 4, 2018 (Nieuwe Kerk, Delft)

17:50–18:00: Marianna Marras: Music of the Carillon (Nieuwe Kerk, Delft)
18:00–18:20: Hope Elizabeth May: How the Fourth of July Should Be Celebrated
18:20–18:40: Jeroen Vervliet: (Peace Palace Library Director) Grotius’ De Jure Belli ac Pacis
18:40–19:00: Fadi El Abdallah (International Criminal Court)
19:00–19:10: Music: Paulina van Laarhoven and Ben Bults: 'Aria' by J.S. Bach; ‘Intemerata’ by A. Grandi
19:10–19:30: Jennifer Trahan – The Crime of Aggression/Humanitarian Intervention
19:30–19:50: Stephen Rapp – Crimes Against Peace: The International Military Tribunal of the Far East (Tokyo)
19:50–20:10: Maria Ahn (Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University): Declaration of Democracy and National Salvation
20:10–20:30: Music: Hyung Joon Won (The Lindenbaum Orchestra) 'Arirang' (traditional Korean melody); 'Chaconne' from J.S. Bach's Partita No. 2 in D Minor for Solo Violin
20:30–20:50: Don Ferencz: Law. Not War: The U.S. Outlawry Movement & The Kellogg-Briand Pact
20:50–20:55: Hope Elizabeth May: Closing
21:00–21:30: Music of the Carillon & Reception

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